"Belajar Blue-J IDE" Week-2

Berikut merupakan hasil pembelajaran Pemrograman Berbasis Objek Minggu ke-2

Pertama-tama setelah membuat project baru kita perlu menuliskan file "README.TXT"

Berikutnya membuat Class baru dan diisi sesuai kode berikut
2:  /**  
3:   * Write a description of class bio here.  
4:   *  
5:   * @author Annas Nuril Iman  
6:   * @version v0.1  
7:   */  
8:  public class bio  
9:  {  
10:    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own  
11:    private int x;  
13:    /**  
14:     * Constructor for objects of class bio  
15:     */  
16:    public bio()  
17:    {  
18:      // initialise instance variables  
19:      x = 0;  
20:      System.out.println("Nama      : Annas Nuril Iman");  
21:      System.out.println("Kelas      : PBO B ");  
22:      System.out.println("Alamat Rumah  : Jl. Simomulyo Baru 7K/16, Sukomanunggal, Surabaya");  
23:      System.out.println("Email      : massive.annas@gmail.com");  
24:      System.out.println("Blog      : https://kedaiambruk.blogspot.com/");  
25:      System.out.println("No HP/WA    : 08953361609011");  
26:      System.out.println("Twitter     : @annasnuriliman");  
27:    }  
29:    /**  
30:     * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own  
31:     *  
32:     * @param y a sample parameter for a method  
33:     * @return  the sum of x and y  
34:     */  
35:    public int sampleMethod(int y)  
36:    {  
37:      // put your code here  
38:      return x + y;  
39:    }  
40:  }  

Terakhir kita jalankan project tersebut


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